

GIT: New pre-print: Nerve theorems for fixed points of neural networks

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GIT: External Faculty of the Vermont Complex Systems Center

    I am so excited to tell the world that I am an inaugural member of the Vermont Complex Systems Center External Faculty. I am humbled to be part of this inspiring group of researchers that I have admired for so long! I mean seriously! Look at the company I have: VCSC External Faculty .
    Some of them I have known for a while and others I have been adolizing from afar. They are all super-nice people and great scientists and I can't wait for the opportunity to spend some time talking science with them. The future is looking bright!

    And did you see their cute mascots?


GIT: I coded a thing, if you use GoogleScholar you might find it useful too

    I have always had trouble navigating the huge amount of new papers, pre-prints, and tweets that come out every day. I always felt like I was the last one to know about other people’s research until I went to a conference or stumbled upon it during the literature research for a new paper. I still haven’t figured out Twitter, but I did figure out how to have a list of new papers and pre-prints as they come out. It might not be the smartest way, but last year I coded a small script to compactify all the Google Scholar alerts I subscribe to.

GIT: Social Network Analysis for the network scientist

    Since I moved to IUNI as an Assistant Research Scientist, I have been struggling to communicate in a precise scientific language with network scientist in Sociology. The main problem being that the same terms I have learned from network scientists in Informatics do not always mean exactly the same thing in the two disciplines.
    So here I am going to try and put together a list of resources for Informatics/Physics trained network scientist to better navigate the long history of Social Network Analysis in Sociology.

GIT: Layered DAG drawing - list of useful reading


GIT: New paper in Network Neuroscience

    New work out, together with collaborators at King’s College London, Imperial College London and ISI Foundation.
    We applied the Mapper algorithm to the AHBA (Allen Human Brain Atlas). Our results suggest that topological network descriptions can be a powerful tool to explore the relationships between genetic pathways and their association with brain function and its perturbation due to illness and/or pharmacological challenge.